Integrative Medicine
Are you as excited as we are for Sandra to come onboard?
The wait is over, you may now call our office to schedule your first consult today.
In a world full of doing, doing, doing … take a moment. Breathe. Just be.
Sandra Homan, APNP
After almost a decade in Family Practice and the Urgent Care, it was clear that many people were frustrated and fed up with Western medicine and desperate for a better way to care for themselves and their loved ones. Frustrated by the limitations that insurance and Western medicine hold, I started my journey to find a different way. I began to seek out integrative medicine literature and attending conferences on the latest research of supplements/treatments for common complaints that we see every day.
Although learning is something I believe you should never stop doing, I deepened my understanding and appreciation of integrative medicine when my daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 3.5 years old. She is now 10 years old and thriving. Our family was forced to navigate both the scary world of traditional treatments and invasive procedures along with trying to maneuver how to safely support her body in the process. We worked closely with an integrative medicine provider who later became my mentor and taught me firsthand how to treat at the holistic level.
If you are searching for a different way, if you want real solutions, if you want to know the root cause and feel vibrant and youthful again, then Integrative medicine at Sacred Art is the right place to turn. I have been on both sides of the table. I have been a healer and someone who desparately needed help with healing. I promise to hear you, see you and guide you on your complex journey with both patience and empathy.
Why don’t we accept insurance? We don’t accept insurance because it dictates how we are able to practice. Here at Sacred Art we want to provide you with the most thoughtful individualized care plans based on your unique circumstances.
Prior to my visit: You must have all forms filled out and completed. This includes health questionnaires, dietary intake and any consents for treatment. We request that these are completed at least 1 week prior to being seen. In addition, we do require labs to be done 1-2 weeks prior so we have ample time to get your results back as well as review them and discuss in detail when we meet. If you have any pertinent prior medical records such as imaging or labs we appreciate having those uploaded into your patient portal as well.
Your visit: I will spend at least 2-3 hours prior to our 90 minute visit reviewing the intake forms, food diaries and labs. During our visit we will use that time getting to know one another in much more detail. I will also give a thorough breakdown of your labs and how they may pertain to your specific concerns. After we meet, I will develop a personalized plan specific to your individual health concerns. This will be written out in detail and available for print through your portal.
*Labs are not included in the price of consultations/ visits
Pricing for different types of appointments at Sacred Art Counseling:
Comprehensive Care Visit: $325
45-minute Follow-up Visit: $150
30-minute Follow-up Visit: $125
Make sure to ask us about our returning patient and friends and family discounts when booking your appointment. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to better health.
Not in our area but would still like our help? No problem! We also offer virtual appointments and phone visits, just let us know what you prefer. We are here to help.